Geological characteristics and mining features of vein group type uranium deposits are presented. Combined with Fuzhou Uranium Mine, advantages of plenum ventilation for vein group type uranium deposits are described in detail. 简述了群脉型铀矿床地质特征和开采技术特点,结合抚州铀矿矿井下通风排氡的实践,详细论述了开采群脉型铀矿床中采用压入式通风的优越性。
Study on Calculation Model for Plenum Ventilation in Second Unit of Highway Tunnel 公路隧道二单元送排式通风计算模式的研究
Advantages of plenum ventilation for vein-group-type uranium deposits 压入式通风在开采群脉型铀矿床中的优越性
Also the article did a lot work on the whole ventilation system simulation such as one shaft plenum ventilation system, two shafts plenum ventilation system as well as three shafts plenum ventilation system with the goal to get some useful conclusions to direct highway tunnel ventilation design. 同时本文还对单竖井,两竖井以及三竖井纵向通风系统进行了大规模的整体仿真模拟,得出的相关结论可指导实际工程设计。